My work focuses on several topics related to the philosophy of logic, mathematics, and reasoning. Right now I am focused on a few projects: (i) a pragmatist epistemology of logic and its relation to anti-exceptionalism and logical pluralism, (ii) the value of games in reasoning (e.g. in transformative experience or as experiments in practical reasoning), and (iii) Aristotle’s views on mathematics, demonstration, and kinds by analogy. I have several papers related to (i) that have been recently published, I am presenting and drafting work related to (ii), and I am in the early stages of research on (iii). I have worked (and am happy to work in the future!) on research projects with undergraduates on related topics, so please reach out if you are interested in pursuing undergraduate research at UMaine.
Recent Work:
“Aristotle’s Arguments in Metaphysics Γ as Prudential Reasons for Non-Contradiction,” (accepted in Ancient Philosophy Today: DIALOGOI)
Abstract: One of the strongest challenges to Aristotle’s defense of the Principle of Non-Contradiction (PNC) in Metaphysics Γ comes from contemporary dialetheists, who accept some, but not all, contradictions. In this paper, I reconsider Aristotle’s refutations from the perspective of contemporary work in the epistemology of logic to argue that we can read them as providing prudential reasons for belief in PNC. This reading of the refutations reveals how they can provide reasons that not only are compelling for contemporary dialetheists but also would be missed by evidentialist positions in the epistemology of logic.
”Peirce on the Normative Basis of Deductive Logic,” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 60:2, 2024, p.129-159.
“Towards a Pragmatist Epistemology for Theory Choice in Logic,” Synthese, 204:9, 2024. (read only version accessible w/o subscription here)
”Competing Roles of Aristotle’s Account of the Infinite,” Apeiron, 57:1, 2024, p. 25-54.
Dissertation: “Logic in Accounts of the Potential and Actual Infinite” (abstract).
Committee: Achille Varzi, Haim Gaifman (co-sponsors), Wolfgang Mann, John Morrison, Marko Malink.
Also, check out my Oxford Bibliographies piece on Greek and Roman Logic with Katja Vogt and Justin Vlasits: link here (univ. subscription req.).